Racing on a Razor’s Edge: Martin’s Stark Warning of MotoGP’s Potential Catastrophe in 2024

Racing on a Razor’s Edge: Martin’s Stark Warning of MotoGP’s Potential Catastrophe in 2024
Image source: The Race
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

MotoGP’s tyre pressure rules are already costing it “real races” and could be an even bigger “disaster” in 2024, claims title hopeful Jorge Martin

Jorge Martin, a title hopeful in MotoGP, claims that the current tyre pressure rules are already causing problems and could become even more disastrous in 2024. The rule, implemented mid-season for safety reasons, has been highly unpopular among riders. Martin experienced tyre pressure issues during a race at Sepang after dropping to fourth at the start. He believes that these issues arose because his team was unable to correctly predict the nature of his race. MotoGP riders are incentivized to start with higher or lower pressures depending on their expected race conditions, but this rule has frustrated riders and limited their ability to perform at their best. Martin’s concerns were echoed by his friend Aleix Espargaro, who described the rule as “horrible” and expressed sympathy for the pressure engineers face to get the tyre pressures right. Pol Espargaro also acknowledged that the rule has limited riders’ ability to overtake. For Martin, the bigger worry is next year, as MotoGP plans to eliminate first-offence warnings for tyre pressure violations.

Tovább a cikkhez

Forrás: The Race

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